Work and Play

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Contests and Challenges

The fun of writing scenarios for your favourite movie or other characters to deal with is one thing, but better than that is the opportunity to have it rated by your peers. The thought of winning a prize - even a virtual one - is very appealing considering the validation and kudos that go with it.

Many of the fanfiction contests I know of are fandom-specific, and some are restrictive even in the fandom, restricted to a small group, or even one of the fandom characters. The Golden Quill Awards stands out from these because it offers the opportunity to be a winner to a multitude of writers for a multitude of fandoms. Anything is acceptable, from kids' cartoons to serious cop shows and everything in between.

Stories are entered by genre and voted for in an anonymous poll. Stories rated up to R are welcome, and the prize is not just a pretty icon: winners also get a profile on the Archives of Excellence if they haven't got one already. Find out more about it here. Voting begins on 1st March.

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